
Made with only the finest ingredients

Since 1933 we have always used ingredients of the highest quality for our egg products. Our egg pasta is made almost exclusively with 100% Italian whole fresh eggs from free-range hens which are raised outdoors and fed organic food. In our company, even today, the eggs are broken by hand.

Produced using traditional bronze dies

The pasta sheets used to make Spinosi products are extruded through bronze dies: during this slow but quality process, the dough is pushed through the holes in the die. The process is very precise and gives firm, tasty and rough-textured pasta which retains all the goodness of fresh pasta.


“Combed” on the back of a knife

According to tradition, the pasta cuts are “combed” on the back of a knife, laid on the traditional sheets of folded white paper by hand and left to dry at a low temperature for at least 24 hours. This process ensures the pasta preserves all the flavour of traditional homemade pasta.


Slowly dried at low temperature

The pasta is dried slowly for at least 24 hours at low temperature and this allows us to preserve all the nutritional properties of the ingredients, namely the proteins, antioxidants, fibres and amino acids. This is essential for a healthy diet, as well as making the pasta easy to digest.